Thursday, March 25, 2010

Noah's Last Cordoba Days!


-playing music with a brazilian band that was staying at Noah’s hostel and spending time with people from all over (Israel, Mexico, Argentina, Spain, Brazil)

-the streets got flooded again and the river rose many feet

-saw Alice in Wonderland, enjoyed the effects, ending was lame

-discovered a pet store with puppies and kittens on my walk back from the Language School where I take Hebrew

-practiced my Hebrew with the people staying at Noah’s hostel, apparently all ton of the hostels in South America are filled with Israelis, I was talking to a guy from Mexico about it who had been traveling around, still don’t know why...

-huge soccer parade rally march thing, there were hundreds of people in the street, jumping and shouting, climbing on street signs and monuments in the big intersection in the middle of the city

-a person tried to rob me but i took their hand out of my bag and walked away

-I figured out how to take the bus back from’s the same bus that I take in the morning haha

-had a really funny conversation about arm pit hair and it’s social implications with Cristina, we’ve been talking a lot recently

-meet some girls from the US, Australia, and France who are working with children here and live a block away from me

-talked all night with Noah, this guy from Mexico and three guys from Israel about the Israeli Palestinian conflict, they had very strong opinions

-today was a day dedicated to the Disappeared so I didn’t have any class, there was a huge march in the streets, lots of people carrying signs with pictures of Che and Evita Peron and also pictures of people who disappeared

-I’ve been reading a lot and loving it, I had forgotten how much I love being in thick of a good book, High School doesn’t really make room for such things

-Cristina’s sister, brother in law, and their three children are here from London for a month, bilingual kids with british accents are so ridiculously cute

-today I’m going to Villa Belgrano, the mountain town where Cristina has a few cottages that she rents out

-Noah goes to Capilla de Monte today to start work!!!! I’m going to visit him next weekend


-focusing on being patient and smiling more

-still getting used to outside Amherst culture but am encouraged by Cristina and my small spanish class (everyone just seems so much more open and unreserved, genuine, fearless!)

-loving argentina!


  1. alice in wonderland = johnny depp in wonderland = enormous disappointment!!

  2. so, what are the social implications of armpit hair?
